International Quilt Market 2024

One of the highlights of my year as a Moda Fabrics designer is attending International Quilt Market in Houston. The Convention Center is filled with hundreds of wholesale vendors, thousands of shop owners and millions of beautiful designs and amazing products. It all adds up to an incredible amount of inspiration and creative energy all in one building for just three days. It is such an honor to be there!

My booth this year was filled with my newest Moda Fabrics collection, Winter Chill. It will be available in June 2025, so this was the main opportunity for shop owners to view the collection and place their orders. It was very well received and you can look forward to seeing it all over the USA and Canada once it ships next June. Be sure to let your LQS know you'd like to see it on their shelves if they haven't already ordered. 

My new fabric Winter Chill!

Indigo Ice and Denali are my two quilt designs created specially for Winter Chill. As you can see they would be beautiful in any of my collections or any of your other favorite fabrics, too! 

A very special treat was meeting up with Pixie, the owner of the mill in Japan where my fabric is milled! I am so pleased that Moda has shown respect for the Japanese origin Shibori designs I create by having my fabric milled in Japan. The fabric is beautifully finished and so much more authentic because it is produced in Pixie's mill.

I was proud to see my new book, Discover Shibori, on display in the Moda Booth! I'll have more about that for you in a future blog post, but it was so rewarding to see it in the booth. You can click the link above to order it right now, too!

My new role as an author opened up lots of conversations and opportunities at Quilt Market including sessions I taught for shop owners on how to use the book in their shops. Watch for it at your local shop!

The picture above is me with Sophie and Roxanne from C&T Publishing, my publishers for Discover Shibori. What a delight it was to be able to chat with them in person! You can see my sample quilt from the book hanging on display in the C&T booth in the background.

Barb Groves from Me and My Sister.

Deb Strain

Stacy Iest Hsu 

And, finally, it's always a joy to be with my fellow designers and the staff of Moda Fabrics. We're really like a wonderful, encouraging family and going to Quilt Market is the ultimate creative family reunion. I've included pictures of just a few of my "design sisters" above. We all work hard all year to bring you the best, most beautiful fabrics for your sewing and quilting and it's exciting to see what everyone has created, compare notes and have a little break from our normal design routines. 

Here's a secret for you: Janet Clare, another one of my Moda design sisters, and I will be having a Layer Cake giveaway soon. Watch my Instagram for the announcement!

Of course, none of this would be possible without the well-dressed gentlemen above. Mark Dunn (on the left), founder and owner of Moda Fabrics. Mark's wonderful sons (that's Josh on the right) have joined him in the business now and we will all celebrate 50 years of Moda next year. An amazing accomplishment!!


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