Primitive Gatherings, Shibori & Motorcycles

I had the privilege of teaching Shibori Indigo Dyeing at a Primitive Gatherings Retreat in Larsen WI last week. It was a rich, enjoyable time with great students and wonderful dyeing. But an experience I had one morning stands head and shoulders above my time of teaching and I must share it with you.

Lisa Bongean, a fellow Moda Fabrics designer, and her husband Nick own the Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop. (Click here to visit the shop!) They are very busy people who spend much of their time traveling to large quilt events, quilt guilds and other quilt shops across the USA. In addition to all this, they’re also very dedicated to several charitable organizations and Lisa kindly invited me to  come along to a presentation with her.

We traveled to a tavern in nearby Neenah WI where Lisa and Nick arrived on their motorcycles. The occasion was the presentation of a brand-new motorcycle to a veteran by the Wisconsin Hogs for Heroes. The motorcycle was given to Jake (above), a retired National Guard member whose motorcycle had fallen into disrepair and left Jake without the lifeline it had become. There was not a dry eye in the house as Jake gratefully received this amazing gift!

Lisa cares deeply and is also a member of Quilts of Valor. After the motorcycle was presented, Lisa quietly pulled Jake aside and presented him with a Quilt of Valor. I’m sure this deserving young man will never forget this day of honor held just for him. I know I won’t.

Then, just before Lisa and Nick rode off towards home, I got to sit on Lisa’s motorcycle! It was so exciting. I wonder if I might need one of those to ride around Graham, TX?! I think I look pretty good on a "hog". What do you think?

A huge thank you to Lisa and Nick for including me in this tremendously rewarding experience. My heart is full!

You can learn more about Hogs for Heroes by clicking here. If you're not already familiar with Quilts of Valor, check them out right here. There may be a chapter near you! 


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